First Things First: Review & Organize

As we age, it is more important than ever to have our vital information organized and easily accessible. This means ensuring that your personal, legal, medical, and financial information is all in one place. In case of an emergency, a family member or friend can quickly access the information they need to make critical decisions.

There are a number of applications and websites that offer to store this information for a monthly or annual fee, and we have included a list on our Resources page.

If you prefer to fill out a hard copy, the Society of Certified Senior Advisors offers a kit called “Information for Life.” It provides the vital information needed to make decisions for seniors and handle their affairs when they are no longer able to do so for themselves. 

Documents that allow you to compile information include:

  • Who to call in an emergency and next-of-kin contact information.
  • Household information such as where you keep extra keys or if you have a pet that needs to be cared for.
  • Whether you have an advance directive or living will and where it can be found.
  • Medical information such as medications and health insurance.
  • An overview of pertinent financial documents and their location.

For a free copy, please contact us and we will email it to you.

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